Layman’s report

A Layman’s report was written to summarize the goals and results of the project.
PDF Download: MA45 Laienbericht_EN_K2.pdf
A Layman’s report was written to summarize the goals and results of the project.
PDF Download: MA45 Laienbericht_EN_K2.pdf
The project has been extended until June 2022 and we’ve already started the sampling for broodstock.
At the Aquaworld exhibition of the VÖAFV – Verband der Österreichischen-Arbeiter-Fischerei-Vereine, our project was allowed to be part of the tour stop in Vienna. In the 60 000 liter tank outside you could find the large sturgeon species such as Beluga sturgeon and Russian sturgeon, whilst 5 of our sterlets from this year’s rearing could be viewed in a small aquarium in the exhibition tent.
The EU project LIFE Sterlet, which has been working since 2016 to strengthen the wild population of the endangered sterlet in the Danube, is coming to an end after a successful six years.
The last session of net fishing was another great success in our sampling efforts. We recaptured three sterlets. One of the we caught for the 3rd time and another for the 5th time.
The current issue of Auenmagazin (20/2021) contains a synopsis on the population of sturgeon species in the Danube. The article is co-authored by Beate Striebel-Greiter and Jutta Jahrl from WWF and reports, among other things, on the current projects for the protection of the sturgeon (LIFE-STERLET, LIFE FOR DANUBE STURGEONS, MEASURES).
In the last weeks, the sturgeons have been in action to inform politicians about the importance of their protection and the restoration of a continuous river body.
In the coming weeks we will release a movie about the LIFE Sterlet Project and we are already ver excited about it. To shorten the time until then we want to share the already magnificent trailer with you:
A team of the local tv channel W24 visited our project to find out more about the life of the sterlets and its important role in the ecosystem of the Dnaube. To watch the video please follow this link:
Link to movie: