Sterlets with active tags in Nationalpark Donauauen
With the aim to gather information about habitat choice and migrations of the sterlet 32 fish were tagged and released in the Danube in March 2020. With the use of acoustic telemetry
With the aim to gather information about habitat choice and migrations of the sterlet 32 fish were tagged and released in the Danube in March 2020. With the use of acoustic telemetry
LIFE Sterlet was invited to open with other experts the new museum, MUSEUM Nordwestbahnhof. We provided information on the development of fish stocks in the Danube, after the Danube Regulation, with a focus on sturgeons. The exhibition on fish and Vienna is open until the beginning of November.
Address: MUSEUM Nordwestbahnhof, Nordwestbahnstraße 16 A, 1200 Wien (ehemalige Bahnbus-Leitstelle)
In the frame of the DTP-INTERREG MEASURES 3.000 Russian sturgeon eggs of Danubian origin have been imported from Romania. We will incubate and grow these little guys alongside our sterlets. The Russian sturgeon is extremely endangered in the wild and these animals are intended as a start for a living gene bank to save the Danubian strain from extinction.
We are happy to be part of the exhibition "Donau - Menschen, Schätze & Kulturen" at Schallaburg, in Lower Austria. The exhibition is open from June 1 – November 8.
This spring we have already released more than 40.000 fish and more are constantly following. The very good conditions and progress in the rearing container this year allow us to fulfill our project goals despite a smaller core team.
Neat filmclip by Eco Sapien - a team of Conservation Biologists, who make videos all about Biodiversity, Ecology and the Natural World. They visited our rearing container and we are happy for their focus on Europe’s prehistoric fish.
Youtube Link to the video:
The good: -In the last days we obtained roughly 90.000 sterlet eggs from two wild females, fertilized by two wild males.
On Easter Sunday, the documentary "Vienna, a Water City in Climate Change" was broadcast on ORF. In this very informative contribution about the past and future of Vienna's waters we are also represented with our project. For the documentary by Susanne Riegler, a film team visited us in the breeding station in mid-March.
Thanks to our Hungarian colleagues from Naik Haki the first batch of eggs is incubated.
Our own wild spawners look nice as well and with the steady rise of water temperature we will start artificial propagation by the end of next week.