Start of the new season – looking for sturgeons
It's that time of the year again. Operating with a skeleton crew and working from home as much as possible we still need to collect our broodstock for reproduction in April.
It's that time of the year again. Operating with a skeleton crew and working from home as much as possible we still need to collect our broodstock for reproduction in April.
New LIFE-sterlet team member! Oihane from Bilbao, Spain is doing a three-month internship in our project, supporting us in the catch of broodstock, reproduction, rearing and telemetry tracking. Welcome!
Yesterday we chose 29 fish that had the right size and today they went into surgery. They were anesthetized and then we implanted the hydroacoustic tag and stitched the small cut. Afterwards we observed them for several hours before they were released into the Danube. Together with Viadonau we already set up the receiver stations at the Nationalpark Donauauen last week and starting today we will learn more about their habitat use and movements. This will be supplemented via active tracking by boat.
The LIFE team and the sterlets wish you happy holidays and a good start to 2020. IA
The ICPDR meets annually to review recent activities and plans for the upcoming year. On the second day the first We Pass Stakeholder Workshop took place. We Pass is an initiative aiming to facilitate fish migration in the Danube River Basin. Their focus is on the preservation and reestablishment of endangered fish species migration routes in the Danube River, its tributaries, and specifically at the Iron Gates.
Talks by experts from the field were held, including two lectures by Thomas Friedrich on our activities to protect the sturgeon. Experts from the Danube Sturgeon Task Force discussed in working groups the key question of the project: How do we get the public to engage with the issues of disruption to fish migration in the Danube River Basin?
Another season has ended well, and we are happy about the continuing attention at our sterlets. In November the Augustin interviewed us for their kids page and the Wiener Bezirksblätter visited us and published an article.nbsp]
A cooperation with the Federal Agency for Water Management in Scharfling enables us to raise potential future mother fish in the fish farm Kreuzstein and to keep them available for future projects. Therefore, we transferred 80 sterlets to Scharfling.
The Institute of Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries organized the traditional annual fisheries conference on November 21 and 22, 2019 in Schloss Mondsee.
During the two days, a broad and interesting range of lectures was presented. On the second day, Thomas Friedrich gave a lecture on the Pan-European Action Plan, situation of the Sturgeon in the Austrian Danube in the past and present.
On 30 October, the 120 delegates from 18 countries attending the International Conference "Conservation of Danube Sturgeons - a challenge or a burden issued the Galati Declaration on Sturgeon Conservation in the Danube Basin and Black Sea, which from now on will guide the implementation of the Pan-European Sturgeon Action Plan under the Bern Convention and EU Habitats Directive.
The new season of Reiseckers Reisen starts on 10/22/2019 with 10 new episodes in the fall season.